My mind is mulling over thoughts on soul-winning. By no means am I the
just thinking out loud.
Soul-winning is a unique mixture of science, theology, timing, wisdom,
and faith – and is truly an art with regards to creativity.
Every human being has a unique fingerprint which serves as a reminder
that EVERY person is different. Not only are they different from every other
person but the season in which they find themselves is unique and
ever-changing. It is for these reasons that people become frustrated with soul-winning
and give up. First, let me say, don't let rejection in the area of soul-winning
steal your passion. Not only are there others who are waiting on you to come to
them, the one who rejected your advance may accept the seed you planted when
the season changes.
There are so many variables that it can be very confusing. Prayer and
a well-trained ear to God's voice will help with this of course. Keep following
God and you will see that your success rate will climb over time.
That being said, God gave principles in His Word that eliminate the
need to be perfect in every scenario, though he did tell us to be "wise as
serpents and harmless as a dove."
One principle is found in Matthew 13 where Jesus told the parable of
four soils: stony, thorns, wayside, and good. Some have said that this means
that only 25% of what you sow will end up producing because only the seed on
good ground produced. This statement doesn't have enough evidence to support it
because Jesus did not say that the same amount of seed FELL on all four
terrains. And even among the seed that fell on good ground some brought forth
30, some 50, and some 100-fold. The problem was not with the seed or the sower.
What Jesus was telling us is that the same seed can be sown by the same sower
and produce up to 100-fold in some and nothing in others. We still have to be
the sower. God is the only one that can give the increase, but if the
individual where the seed has been sown rejects the seed, not even God will go
against nature to force increase.
Another principle about this story: Jesus did not teach anywhere in
this parable, how to sow. Jesus himself did not differentiate between methods.
AND Jesus himself was not scientific in His approach. Jesus said things like:
"Come and follow me." "Take up your cross and follow
me." "If you can't eat of my flesh and drink of my blood you cannot be
my disciple."
Following the last statement above, the Bible says, "Many turned
away and never followed Him again." He didn't change methods and He didn't
quit reaching for people because He experienced one church split after another.
Of course, every Scripture about soul-winning can't be covered here
but rest assured that nothing in the Scripture will contradict these
principles. I think (which means it's an opinion), we need to remember a few
things about soul-winning.
1. ANY method that brings people closer to God should be taken note
of, not criticized.
2. There is NO perfect method. Try what you feel like The Lord is
giving you and if after a while it bears no fruit, find out why and if it can't
be improved stop doing it.
3. Don't use criticism for someone else's method to justify your lack
of effort or results. If a person is winning souls it doesn't matter whether
you think their results should be better or that not enough of them are staying
in the church.
4. Jesus said, "If they reject you they reject me." Don't
take rejection personal. It's not about you anyway. Jesus never said, "If
you sow a seed and they reject the seed it means they don't like you."
5. Stop making excuses. Stop saying you're not that kind of person.
Stop speaking negative faith. Sow the seed. Water the seed. And water the seed again
and again. Then leave the rest up to God.
6. God would not have commanded and commissioned you to do something
that He would not anoint you to do.
7. Use any method you can get your hands on. Every person may not
respond to the same method but when you find a method that reaches a certain
demographic, use it, use it, use it...never stop using it or at least stop
being critical of people who do use it.
8. Yes, I know that soul-winning includes making disciples. So don't
stop there, keep working with them. Keep encouraging them. Check on them, teach
them, befriend them. Be there for them.
My opinion is that the church is spending more time discussing methods
than proving them. Jude gave us 2 simple approaches: "Some save with
compassion...others save with fear."
If Jesus were alive today the pundits would be reporting mostly negative headlines. "He has managed to get twelve men to follow Him but none of them are wealthy so, if His method only reaches 'those' kind of people we don't recommend using him as a role model for soul-winning. In addition, He managed to get thousands to follow Him but He just lost 90% by preaching about cannibalism. Let's wait to see who builds the next mega church full of wealthy people and we will copy what they are doing." Signed, religious pundit who has never done anything for God.
If Jesus were alive today the pundits would be reporting mostly negative headlines. "He has managed to get twelve men to follow Him but none of them are wealthy so, if His method only reaches 'those' kind of people we don't recommend using him as a role model for soul-winning. In addition, He managed to get thousands to follow Him but He just lost 90% by preaching about cannibalism. Let's wait to see who builds the next mega church full of wealthy people and we will copy what they are doing." Signed, religious pundit who has never done anything for God.
The bottom line is that God will bless and anoint ALL who choose to
participate in the act of soul-winning. If you are one of those that says that
relationships is the best way to win souls and that's the only method you use,
I won't be critical, but I feel sorry for the people around you. That means
ONLY the people you have the time to build relationships with will have a
chance to be saved. Don't lock yourself in a box. Use ALL methods. Reach souls
and don't let rejection and slow results impede your passion. People are
waiting to hear what you have to say. Open your mouth and tell someone. Plant
the seed, water it with prayer and tears, and let God give the increase.
Have a blessed day!
PS - Pray this prayer for best results: "Lord lead me to the
hungry and lead the hungry to me." (Learned this from Bishop Chester
Wright 16 years ago. It works.)
Bishop J. Todd Nichols