Monday, August 24, 2015


King Xerxes was the man in charge – feared by his enemies and his subjects.

Esther was an orphan.

King Xerxes lived in a palace and had lavish banquets lasting several months.

Esther was taken in by her cousin, Mordecai, and his family.

When King Xerxes gave a command, he would not countermand it – even if he regretted the decision.

Esther was a humble Israelite who followed her cousin's instructions.

They were an unlikely pair. Yet God's plan was for Esther to be queen, and queen she would be.  

God was making provision to thwart an evil plan that hadn't even been spoken yet. God knew there was a man named Haman who would eventually convince the king to kill the Jews. And so before Haman was even promoted to a place of authority, God arranged for Esther to be chosen as queen. 

Don’t you love that God is always out in front of the enemy? He knows the plan of the enemy before it’s even formulated!

Haman's plan to execute all the Jews in King Xerxes' provinces eventually surfaced, and Mordecai came to Esther. She began to fast and pray.  She asked God what He wanted her to do about it. 

Lesson 1: When you need direction, fast and pray. 

But not only did she fast and pray, she instructed her own servants, family and fellow Jews to do so with her. She instinctively knew that it is better to ask for help than to try to go it alone. 

Lesson 2: We need each other.

Esther's first notable action as queen was to enter the king's court without invitation. No one entered King Xerxes' court without an invitation. Not unless they desired to die. But Esther was courageous. She took a step of faith, and found favor with the King.

Lesson 3: Walking by faith isn’t for the faint of heart.  

“If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NLT)

Lesson 4: God will make His way happen with or without us. 

The Jews would have relief because God spoke it. Esther's family lived because she chose to be a part of God's plan. We have the privilege to choose to be a part of His plans! 

Esther used wisdom and grace to gain favor with King Xerxes. She fasted, prayed, and waited on God for a plan to form. Then she went before the King to tell of Haman's plans to kill her and her people. 

Lesson 5: Sometimes God's plan for us takes time. 

We love to hear about the promises of God, but waiting for them to happen is not our favorite part.

Before she was needed, God put her in the place she needed to be. And then when it was time for God to use her, she courageously walked by faith and saved not only her family, but also all the Israelites living in King Xerxes' provinces.  

Humility. Courage. Faith. Timing.

Where has God placed you?  And for what time and purpose?  Whose life depends on you to make the right choices? Will you?

by Brandi Burton