Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Be Born In Me

Have you ever tried something that was beyond your ability? "I’m afraid. I don’t feel qualified. How can I do this when no one has really taught me? I don’t know anyone else that does this. What if people don’t believe in me? What if I fail?" So many questions can arise when you start out on a new task, job, calling, or ministry.

My mind goes to a young lady in the Bible who found herself pregnant long before she ever thought she would be. We don’t know much about her upbringing; just that she was young, unmarried, and engaged to a good man. I don’t know what life experience she may have had managing a household; whether she came from a large family where she had younger siblings she helped care for. But regardless, motherhood was thrust upon her ahead of "her" time.

Why were she and her fiancé chosen to carry out such an important task? Good question…and I don't have an answer. But I would think it had something to do with this: they were obedient and they had faith. The Bible tells us they both believed the news from the angel and followed in obedience. Mary received and agreed to carry the promise in her mortal body and Joseph agreed to accept responsibility for Mary and the future of this child that was to be born. 

Mary could have shied away from it all. "Why me? And why now? I'm not ready for this. Surely there are other women who are more prepared for motherhood (much less THIS motherhood) and who will be supported rather than slandered. Joseph won’t get it. My friends and neighbors won’t get it. This doesn’t make sense. I can’t do it." But she stepped forward and accepted the call..."be it unto me according to thy word." Faith, trust, obedience. And because of it she had the priceless privilege of bringing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords into the world. (Often times the greatest blessings show up on our doorstep wrapped in "inconvenience" and "this doesn't make sense.")

Think about Joseph; ending the engagement would have been the kindest approach most Jewish men would have taken if they had found out their betrothed was pregnant by another. Many others would have let Mary suffer the customary penalty for adultery – death by stoning. But like Mary, Joseph displayed faith, trust, and obedience. And oh, was he glad he did! 

On top of all the uncertainty the pregnancy brought and the doubt and criticism of neighbors and friends, their journey was complicated by travel near the time of their baby’s arrival – forcing them to endure extreme discomfort to bring this child safely into the world. I’m sure at times they felt the weight of their decisions to take on this promise and had their share of doubts and fears. (It’s been said, if there is no risk of failing, then what you are doing isn’t significant.) Could they have failed? Most certainly! But by following the law to be censused, taking their son to the Temple to be dedicated, and naming him Jesus, they walked in obedience to the laws and religious customs of their day and most importantly to God’s Spirit. And as a result, their lives were enriched beyond words. 

I don't know who you are, where you live, or what you do. And I don’t know what God has planned for you. But I know this: If you will follow Mary and Joseph's lead and have faith, trust God, and obey…you too will bring to pass the promises of God that will unlock the spectacular story He’s written for you.

by Ruth Clark 

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